A simple Caravan
I was one of the first to arrive and there weren’t that many children and there was no one around who knew Kannada, but managed to understand what the children were saying and played the game on the stones that they wanted too. It soon started raining and so we went inside and with the arrival of Kavya with the box of puzzles etc. The children went crazy and all started grabbing what they wanted but they soon settled down. After they settled down, Praveen came to me and asked me to read with him and we had a great time where I tried to explain to him what the story meant. He really enjoys reading and so do the others like Naveen who also came and read with me. While reading I made small talk with them and asked about their familes. Veena was there after a long absence but avoided the topic as to why she didnt come for so long. Then I played puzzles with Preeti and her sister again attempting at making small talk. It was a really nice day even though there were only very few volunteers present.
— Susanna Thomas