Tackle Tales
Stories of children and tacklers from the Tackle world while they explore and develop their capabilities through creative means and healthy social interactions.
Stories of children and tacklers from the Tackle world while they explore and develop their capabilities through creative means and healthy social interactions.
Our work in rural Karnataka started with flood relief in October 2009. Our relief work focused on the families who had been left out of the relief process. Other programs include the Gramaabhivrudhi Samithi, Swachha Graama and the Makkala Graama Sabha. Community mobilisation and livelihood development programs are also actively being carried out by our aalamba team in Badami.
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‘Aalamba’ (help & support) is a livelihood initiative working towards empowerment of women through Self-Help Groups. The programme provides a platform for sharing livelihood needs, identification of interests, aptitude and skills and a centre for training and equipping the members for various livelihood units, coupled with the practice of micro-savings and internal lending.
Promoting opportunities for children from low income backgrounds to explore and develop their capabilities through creative means and healthy social interactions.