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class="post-3573 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-portfolio tag-10th-standard tag-alternative-education tag-discontinued tag-dropouts tag-education tag-government-school tag-national-institutite-of-open-schooling tag-part-time tag-peer-learning tag-responisibilites tag-roopantara tag-volunteering tag-work tag-youth-learning-program">


Roopantara is a youth learning initiative pioneered by headstreams which combines the experience of on-the-job learning and provides youth with an opportunity to complete their higher secondary education. It is tailored specifically for youth from low income families who have discontinued their education due to gender-related, economic or other constraints.

class="post-1475 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-portfolio tag-awareness tag-empowerment tag-livelihoods tag-savings tag-self-help-groups tag-trainings tag-women">


‘Aalamba’ (help & support) is a livelihood initiative working towards empowerment of women through Self-Help Groups. The programme provides a platform for sharing livelihood needs, identification of interests, aptitude and skills and a centre for training and equipping the members for various livelihood units, coupled with the practice of micro-savings and internal lending.


class="post-1473 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-portfolio tag-activities tag-alternative tag-children tag-creative tag-education tag-fun tag-headstreams tag-interaction tag-learning tag-positive-mental-health tag-tackle tag-volunteering">


Promoting opportunities for children from low income backgrounds to explore and develop their capabilities through creative means and healthy social interactions.